Course 12 is all about improving your tone and is live through our EVI Now program!
Course 12 is titled "Unlocking Tone for Extreme and Melodic Vocals" and consists of seven new videos with a watch time of 50 minutes 38 seconds and brings the total number of videos available in our program to 88!
Objectives for this course include; (1) define tone in a modern context, (2) answer the questions "what does sounding 'good' actually mean?", (3) define harmonics, formants, and auditory roughness, (4) define and understand vocal compression.
EVI Now is our one-of-a-kind online guided lesson program designed to help you learn how to produce extreme vocals in a safe and sustainable way! EVI Now gives you access to lessons anywhere that you have access to the Internet 24/7.
We launched EVI Now on June 10 with ten courses already live in our program.